Versija. LNO

28 min

Kā tas strādā?

Iegādāto filmu var skatīties tikai no vienas ierīces, izmantojot vienu pārlūkprogrammu. Lūdzu, veiciet pirkumu tajā pašā ierīcē, kuru vēlaties izmantot filmas skatīšanai. Neizmantojiet un neveiciet pirkumu, kamēr izmantojat privātās pārlūkošanas režīmu vai inkognito režīmu.

Versija. LNO

Ten years ago Latvian National Opera was opened for visitors after immense reconstruction. Now in that very place, people, stage and unusual atmosphere comes together to accomplish "the miracle". Music, action, text - those are the main elements of opera phenomenon - which "Version.LNO" records to rehabilitate opera as an art genre in a contemporary society. The film is tender and fascinating depiction of the opera as space and time, where anyone is allowed to dream thus regain one's humanity.